Mobaxterm For Mac

Working remotely via MobaXterm

This page is a guide to using MobaXterm, a Windows terminal that supports SSH and graphics piping from an SSH host running an X server.

In order to perform this operation, just launch MobaXtermCustomizerX.X.exe This will launch the following graphical interface: MobaXterm customizer is based on a step-by-step process. You just have to select your parameters (or leave default settings) and select the Next button to proceed to the second step.

Mobaxterm Professional License

In the same way, MobaXterm Professional Crack Mac is application software that serves their people, whose jobs are related to “Remote Computing”. With the help of this application, you can manage your work and provide different services to your user, regardless of area or location. For Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger): X11 should be installed from the OS media and manually started. On Windows third-party software needs to be installed. Here is a list of possible choices: MobaXterm Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more.

You can download the latest version of MobaXterm from

The EXE you download is portable, as in there is no installer, so remember where you save it.

Mobaxterm download for mac

Logging in remotely

  • Upon starting MobaXterm, you are immediately kicked into a command shell. The program is a bit slow, and the interface doesn't follow the windows theme, but it's a minor inconvenience.
  • By default, you should have the X server running. It is indicated by a big red X in the menu bars. If it isn't running, go to X server -> Start X server.
  • To login, type:


Mobaxterm download for mac

If you are on the Login_BSU network, you can just type:


·Where username is your onyx login username.

·If you enter a wrong username by accident, it will still prompt you for a password. Press Ctrl+C to quit the login attempt.

Enter your password when prompted. The characters you type won't appear, but you will be entering a password.

oYou don't need the -Y parameter since we are not connecting from a Mac.

When Logging into Onyx for the first time

·MobaXterm will ask if you want to save your password to your machine (or wherever Moba is saved). It encrypts it, but it doesn't matter either way, it is just your preference.

Mobaxterm For Mac

·It may ask you if you trust the host you are connecting to. Type yes and you won't have to deal with this message again.

Transferring Files

Transferring files in MobaXterm is easy. When you SSH into your account, a file list will appear on the right. Just drag and drop files from Windows Explorer into it, or drag files from it to Windows Explorer to transfer files. You'll have to have the correct permissions of course. There is no progress bar while exchanging files, so bigger files will make it seem like nothing is happening.

Piping Graphics from X to Windows

Piping graphics should work right out of the box. There is no configuration needed, just start a program that requires a display from the command line and it will pipe it into a Windows window. The usability of the program will depend on your connection speed, and don't expect to do anything with quickly-refreshing graphics. You will not be able to use the terminal you are using until the program that has opened has been closed.

An easy way to see the piping feature is to just enter Firefox into the terminal.

A 7mbps connection yields slow piping from Onyx.

Using Multiple Terminals

You can use multiple terminals in MobaXterm all at the same time. You can hook up to 4 into any arrangement you want. (e.g. 2 in onyx, 1 in Math Lab, 1 in home desktop). To split the Moba window up, just click on the 4 black boxes (Terminal Splitting Options), and pick what you want. In Single Terminal mode, if you have multiple terminals open already, they will be displayed as tabs.

Alternatively, if you are working from a weak connection or just want to be a super-geek, you can use screen. Screen allows you to run multiple terminals (remotely) using a single terminal. The terminal will only close if you command it to close, so any processes in the terminal will not stop upon disconnect. Screen is already installed on onyx machines.

You can develop your programs on any computer that has the appropriate development software. However, programs have to be submitted from onyx. You will need to transfer your programs up to onyx. You should test your program by running it on onyx to make sure it works there before you submit them.

MobaXterm Tips


oYou will notice that while using MobaXterm, it feels sluggish. To pull out slightly better performance, go to Settings->Configuration, and set the skin to 'none'. This way, it will use the Windows theme, and let Windows handle the window.

Mobaxterm For Macbook

oMobaXterm also has some Windows commands built in, such as ipconfig. These commands only work before you SSH into another machine. Once you connect to another machine, only commands present on the remote machine will work.

oMobaXterm allows you to save a shortcut on your desktop to allow quick logins to a server. To make a shortcut, first make a bookmark by going to Bookmarks->Manage My Bookmarks. Create a bookmark for your server (put in your username for faster logins, and save your password for auto-login), and then click 'add' (don't click okay). Click on the bookmark name, and then click on 'shortcut', and presto, you now have a shortcut on your desktop.


See the MobaXterm documentation for more information. (Help->Documentation)

Written by Michael Perez